Find your foundation- Muladhara Chakra 1

Last week, I posted about the fascinating Chakra system. If you missed that one, then read my previous blog ‘Lets talk chakras’ here to familiarize yourself a bit. 

There are many chakras in the body and the 7 major ones are as follows:-

  1. Muladhara or Root chakra 
  2. Swadisthana or Sacral chakra
  3. Manipura or Navel chakra
  4. Anahata or Heart chakra
  5. Visuddha or Throat chakra
  6. Ajna or Third eye chakra
  7. Sahasrara or Crown chakra

Today I share with you some insight about Chakra number one, namely the Muladhara chakra also known as the Root chakra. The location of this spinning vortex coincides with the perineum at the base of the spine. It revolves around qualities of foundation, grounding, security, stability and nourishment.

Clearly, this chakra number one forms the support system, a firm grounding for the proper functioning of the chakras above along the system. If we have poor boundaries or an improper foundation, then the building with he floors above the ground floor may not be as stable.

There are many reason as to why this chakra spins out of balance. It could be childhood trauma, or lack of security in the area of growing up, not a very good relationship formed with the family and its roots and so on. Without grounding and foundation, we lose orientation of ourselves and there is always an underlying fear of the rug beneath us being tugged away.

As the famous Ernest Holmes says , faith is a belief that something good will happen and fear is a belief that something bad will unfold. So if we can replace unreasonable fear with reasonable faith, we might just get a hand around this chakra one, the Muladhara chakra. Fear is what holds many of us back and keeps up from progressing in our lives.

If we are constantly fearful, then we are constantly vigilant about our external environments and we lose touch with our inner self. We also retract and build a high wall around us, stagnate and can never grow. Hence it is important to go out there, enjoy life a little, explore new activities and build confidence slowly and step by step. Take charge of your own life and move forward gracefully.

The Muladhara chakra support growth and development. Only if the layers of the ground floor are stable, can we tread successfully along the higher levels of this beautiful system. 

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