Weight Gain through Yoga

Check out Diana’s article posted on Jawhara Arabia; a local arabic webpage and magazine catering to womens health,fitness and well-being.The link is as below followed by the English translation:


Yoga has a wide and well-known reputation for proven weight loss; however it also shows considerable results for weight gain. Make no mistakes; gaining weight is a process which needs discipline and a schedule, just as losing weight does.

This topic rarely attracts the majority of the audience; however it appeals to me on a personal note in my own attempt to gain weight. And whilst heaps of people are struggling with weight loss; there is also a fair share of people yearning to gain weight. As a Yoga instructor, I researched various ways and means to gain more flesh over skin and bones. In this article, I aim to offer some pointers to revitalize the digestive system and strengthen the body through yoga asanas and a nutritious diet.

High calorie nutritious diet

There are a few ways that will help you gain weight without overdoing it. The fundamental idea is to consume more calories that you burn on a regular basis. Eat more than the normal portions, and in a planned manner. Eat larger portions, five to six times a day. It doesn’t mean you eat anything and everything that is placed in front of you; select wisely.

  • The key is to choose your foods correctly. Foods that include healthy amounts of proteins, vitamins, dairy products, minerals, fat, and carbohydrates need to go on that shopping list.
  • Snacking through the day definitely helps. Dry fruits like nuts and raisins, avocados and yogurt make excellent snacks. Slice an avocado onto a salad or sprinkle nuts on your morning oatmeal.
  • Avoid too much saturated fat in order to gain weight; it might result in other disorders. For example, peanut butter contains unsaturated fat and is also high in calories hence perfect to smear on an apple or on a toast for breakfast.
  • Drink a lot of fresh fruit juices and milk shakes with fruits and nuts which provide lot of calories. It is essential to drink fluids to keep the body ticking.
  • Drinking water is a very important part of the weight gain process. You need to drink at least 2 liters or half a gallon of water to keep you hydrated. Dehydration can cause severe undesirable problems.

Chalk out a diet according to your lifestyle, whether vegan, vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Decide the permutation and combination of the food that is laid on your dining table. Maintain a calorie counter; either in your diary or your smart phone and keep a check on your consumption from time to time.

Good digestive system

If the body is underweight, improper digestion could one reason. Another reason could also be that the food undertaken by the body is not readily absorbed and hence the body cannot obtain proper nutrition for the better functions. Yoga can help the digestive system to function in a proper manner and frees the body from various diseases like stomach abnormalities.

The practices of postures (Asana) that help tone the digestive system prove useful. Forward bends, twists are advised. Abdominal strengtheners such as bow pose, bridge pose or camel pose are also great to practise. The pose to left is that of Urdhva dhanurasana or wheel pose. These asanas can also increase the energy of the lower belly, known as samana. When samana is healthy, it promotes proper food absorption, leading to improved nutrition.

Yoga Asanas

The practice of inversions is particularly useful for boosting circulation and balancing the endocrine system. Inversions include any posture in which the heart is higher than the head. In this section we will discuss shoulderstand or Sarvangasana. If you are not comfortable with this, practise mild inversions such as downward facing dog or dolphin pose.


  • Fold a blanket and lie on the blanket with the shoulders supported, head on the floor.
  • Inhale lift raise both legs until they are at right angle to your body.
  • Bring your hands onto your buttocks. Gently push the body up by walking the hands down the back. Continue this movement, till you are resting on your shoulders. Walk the elbows closer together.
  • Breathe; try to hold in this posture for at least 30 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your practice.
  • Come out of this posture by lowering the feet overhead to 45 degrees, place the hands onto the mat and gradually unroll the body to the mat. Relax.

To support the shoulder stand posture, your core abdominals, thigh, upper back and triceps muscles are engaged and toned. In addition to muscle toning, the inverted posture of shoulder stand stimulates your thyroid gland in the neck region. An overactive thyroid can lead to a condition known as hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid secretes an excess of hormones. This increases metabolism and causes you to lose weight. In the inverted shoulder stand posture, thyroid activity is balanced. As the thyroid has one of the largest blood supplies of any bodily organ, this pressure has dramatic effects on its function, improving circulation and squeezing out stagnant secretions.

Pranayama or breathing practices

Alternate nostril breathing or Anuloma Viloma is one of the safest and easiest breathing practices. Inhale through the left nostril keeping the right nostril closed. Close both nostrils, holding the breath comfortably. Keeping the left nostril closed, exhale through the right. Continue to practise gentle breathing and slowly introducing count of 4 on inhalation, retention of 16 counts, and exhalation of 8 counts. This varies depending on one’s own stage of practice. The breath naturally alternates between both nostrils bringing about a calming effect to the body. Practise of this pranayama gives a sound appetite. It makes more sense to choose a natural and holistic approach that will eventually not only help you in weight gain but also ensure you stay healthy and fit.

Proper Relaxation

  • Sleep more than 7-8 hours per night. If you do not find time to eat properly or relax adequately; slow down your life.
  • Shavasana pose is a simple yet highly effective practise. It is nothing but physical conscious relaxation. Lie flat on the back on the floor, legs stretched out, hands on the sides, palms upwards. Close the eyes and breathe gently for 15 minutes.

Couple Yoga with other activities 

Along with proper diet and proper yoga asanas, stimulate your muscle fibers with other fun activities such as running, jogging or swimming. With regular exercise you will also gain muscle mass.

Lastly, keep a regular tab on your weight gain and work towards your focused goal. Be perseverant as it might take time to reach the desired weight, depending on your body and heredity factors. Stay motivated to gain weight and in time, you will achieve what you aim for.

Categories: Experiences

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