Embrace pleasures of life-Swadhisthana Chakra 2

This week, we access our second chakra, the Swadhisthana or the sacral chakra. Last week we discussed the foundation of our chakra system, the Muladhara chakra and to read more about that , click here https://radianceofyoga.com/find-your-foundation-muladhara-chakra-1/

There are many chakras in the body and the 7 major ones are as follows:-

  1. Muladhara or Root chakra
  2. Swadhisthana or Sacral chakra
  3. Manipura or Navel chakra
  4. Anahata or Heart chakra
  5. Visuddha or Throat chakra
  6. Ajna or Third eye chakra
  7. Sahasrara or Crown chakra

Our world today is comfortable with emotions numbness. If you are sensitive and able to tap into your emotions, you are frowned upon or looked as being over sensitive.

Passion has been the driving force for vitality ,progress and creativity. Yet if this is suppressed, how can we access our authentic power and evolve. The second chakra highlights sensation. emotion, pleasure, intimacy, connection, movement and change. All of these vital for human personality evolution.

Every gadget seems to have become a touch surface, yet we have become literally out of touch with ourselves. Emotions can be difficult to deal with at times, hence we tend to shut them off or half deal with them. However this means, that we only ride on the high experiences in life and shun the other ones leaving us with a lack of an whole enriched human experience.

Additionally undealt-with emotions cause the flexors in the body to get tight, especially the hip flexors , hence why Yin Yoga comes to the rescue in a bog way. Allowing us to gain freedom and access our emotional part of our life through our physical body.

This is what the second chakra aims towards- reclaiming passion and pleasure, neediness and vulnerability, sensate connection to both our inner and outer worlds.

Let us bring credit to the second chakra as an exciting and important part of our journey.

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