3 yoga poses for side stretches

If you are used to sitting at narrow spaces, the chances are that the side side and waist are screaming for some lateral extension or stretching. I always start my classes with some easy side bends and mild twists , to free up the spine and loosen up the torso a bit. It just feels so great and natural to work the body in these directions.

Side stretches are particularly useful to free up and almost make space between the ribs thereby allowing you to take fuller deeper breaths in and out. Now who wouldn’t want that? It also helps loosen up the big broad muscles along back below the arm called the latissimus dorsi and also the deep abdominal muscles which is commonly referred to as a back muscles called the quadratus lumborum.

Here I present to you 3 simple and easy poses to work with your side body and get moving.

Enjoy and keep up the practice.


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